The Italian artist Manlio Capaldi was born in Bari in 1955. A graduate in philosophy, he trained in the early seventies in the international art world of Florence which, at the time, was much frequented by Bill Viola, Vito Acconci, Philip Glass and many other leading figures in contemporary art and culture.
During this period he research into multimedia languages; this culminated in a collaboration with the Italy’s Third radio channel, for which he produced several programmes using the spoken word, performance poetry and “poesia sonora” with the direct participation of the poets Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Peter Orlowski, Edoardo Sanguineti, the expert in American culture Fernanda Pivano and with the voice of one of the most important actresses in the Italian theatre, Marisa Fabbri. He has taken part in numerous solo and group exhibitions and alternates artistic activity with teaching in an art school and at University.
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